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Financial Assistance Hub
Support during Covid-19

The Personal Relief Package

If you’re experiencing financial difficulty due to COVID-19 you should contact your bank as soon as possible to discuss how they may be able to help you through this difficult time.

About the package

Your bank wants to partner with you through this difficult time. Getting people back to work and keeping them in their homes is what is in the best interests of all Australians.

Banks can help you with your credit card and personal loans. Depending on your individual circumstances, help may include waiving fees, restructuring loans or other things to help get you through the pandemic.

Anyone who has been granted a six month deferral on loan repayments on their mortgage or other credit products, such as a credit card, will not have their credit rating affected as a result of that deferral, provided they were up to date with repayments prior to COVID-19.

If you have been impacted, it’s very important that you contact your bank as soon as possible. The earlier you contact your bank the more assistance they will be able to provide.

Check your banks website under ‘Hardship’ for more information.

Debit Cards: information for passbook holders receiving new debit cards.


Yes. Banks have hardship teams in place to assist people experiencing financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19.  Banks are offering customers the option to defer home loan repayments for up to six months. Contact your bank to discuss how they can help you.

If you have been impacted by COVID-19 and are experiencing hardship, banks can help. Assistance can include waiving fees, restructuring loans or other things to help get you through the pandemic. Check your banks website under ‘Hardship’.

As long as you were up to date on your payments before COVID-19 the deferral will not impact your record. This applies to deferrals on your mortgage or other credit products.

If you aren’t using your bank’s digital options, now is definitely the time to start!

All customers should be getting ‘digital ready’. This means if you have a smart phone, download your bank’s app and become familiar with how to use it. If you are unsure contact your bank who can help or ask a tech savvy friend to help walk you through it. 

Make sure to keep your log-in details and passwords safe and don’t share them with anyone.

If you have Consumer Credit Insurance (CCI) it may help cover your credit card, personal loan or home loan repayments. Whether or not you are eligible to claim a CCI benefit will depend on your individual circumstances, including the level of cover you have purchased and how your employment circumstances have changed. Insurers are assessing CCI claims on an individual basis.

If you are unsure whether or not you have a CCI policy, check your loan documents, or check with your lender who will have all of the details of any related insurance products that they arranged for you.

Find your bank

Select your bank to find out more about their individual relief packages

Phone: 1300 130 191
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Phone: 1800 351 548
Financial Hardship: Website

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Arab Bank Australia

Phone: 1800 64 64 84
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Bank Australia

Phone: 132 888
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Bank of Melbourne
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Bank of Sydney

Phone: 13 95 00
Hardship Assistance: Website

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BOQ Group

Phone: 1800 079 866
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Bank SA

Phone: 1800 679 461
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Phone: 1300 769 173
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Bendigo and Adelaide Bank

Phone: 1300 652 146
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Citi Bank

Phone: 1300 652 146
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Commonwealth Bank

Phone: 1300 720 814
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Phone: 1300 555 988
Hardship Assistance: Website

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ING Bank

Phone: 1300 349 166
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Macquarie Bank

Phone: 1300 363 330
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Me Bank

Phone: 1300 500 520
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Phone: 13 800 1
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Phone: 1800 701 599
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Phone: 1800 025 484
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Rural Bank

Phone: 1300 660 115
Hardship Assistance: Website

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St. George Bank

Phone: 1800 629 795
Hardship Assistance: Website

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Phone: 1800 225 223
Hardship Assistance: Website

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U Bank
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Personal: 132 032
Small Business: 132 142

Hardship Assistance: Website

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Support During Covid-19
Support During Covid-19

We’re here to help

Australian banks are open and here to help all their customers in this time of financial hardship.

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