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The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.

Media Releases
Banks ready to support South Australian small businesses
17 September 2019

South Australian small businesses, or those looking to start one, are being encouraged not to hold back in seeking finance, with research by the Australian Banking Association (ABA) revealing a 94% loan approval rate from member banks and a new online resource now available with all the tips and tools needed to apply. The ABA… Read more »

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Media Releases
ABA CEOs hold first regional council meeting
6 September 2019

For the first time the Australian Banking Association (ABA) Council of CEOs, its governing body, has held its quarterly meeting in a regional centre.   The Council met with local community leaders and groups, including Bendigo Mayor Margaret O’Rourke, local business chamber Be.Bendigo, the Salvation Army and Rural Financial Counsellors. ABA Chair and ANZ CEO… Read more »

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Media Releases
Australia’s Banks are Open for Business with Small Business Approvals at 94%
30 August 2019

If you’ve ever dreamed of throwing in the towel at work and starting your own business, you’re not alone. In fact, more than nine million Australian’s dream of being their own boss. Research commissioned by the Australian Banking Association, found that while millions of people have dreamed of working for themselves and starting a business,… Read more »

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Media Releases
Banking industry continues with its important reform program
19 August 2019

Australia’s banks have welcomed the Government’s timetable for legislative change following the Hayne Royal Commission and will work with the Commonwealth to continue implementing the Commission’s recommendations. While the forward agenda for the required legislative changes was announced this morning, banks are well down the track of implementing recommendations for which they are responsible to… Read more »

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Media Releases
6 in 10 Aussies worried loved ones will suffer elder financial abuse
7 August 2019

The Australian Banking Association (ABA) has today announced it is joining forces with Bauer Media to expand its campaign to tackle elder financial abuse. The campaign, Stop Elder Financial Abuse, launches today in Sydney as newly released research reveals almost 6 in 10 Australians are worried that someone they know will be the victim of… Read more »

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Media Releases
New Consumer Data Right is a win for competition
1 August 2019

Today’s passage of the Consumer Data Right legislation charts the way forward for a more innovative and customer focussed banking industry that will deliver better deals for Australians. CEO of the Australian Banking Association Anna Bligh said today’s passage of the Consumer Data Right legislation through the Parliament would create the legal foundation for Open… Read more »

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Media Releases
Consumer Data Right Legislation a vital step for new reforms
22 July 2019

The announcement today by the Government of the introduction of legislation for the Consumer Data Right is an important step to making the Open Banking reforms a reality for Australian bank customers.   Open Banking will allow customers, at their request, to share their personal information with accredited institutions, including other banks, to allow them… Read more »

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Media Releases
The new rule book for banks goes live tomorrow
30 June 2019

Australia’s banks will comply with a strong new code of practice that significantly increases and enshrines customer protections and introduces tough new penalties for breaches from tomorrow. The ASIC-approved Banking Code of Practice represents the most significant increase to customer protections under a code in the industry’s history. From 1 July, under the new Banking… Read more »

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Media Releases
Bank fees drop following abolition of ATM withdrawal fees
20 June 2019

While the cost of living for Australian families continues to rise, bank fees charged to households have dropped by 6.5% over the last 12 months, the largest fall since 2010, according to the latest RBA data. While the cost of living for Australian families continues to rise, bank fees charged to households have dropped by… Read more »

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Media Releases
Banking industry welcomes new economic team
27 May 2019

The Australian Banking Association welcomes the reappointment of Treasurer the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP and the new appointments of the Hon Michael Sukkar MP as Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing and Senator Jane Hume as Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Financial Technology.   The industry is committed to earning back the trust… Read more »

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Media Releases
Social Impact Investing Taskforce a welcome first step
3 April 2019

Today’s announcement of a Social Impact Investing Taskforce and three trial sites is a welcome step by the Federal Government and answers the banking industry’s call for a clear direction on this innovative solution to tackling entrenched disadvantage. CEO of the Australian Banking Association Anna Bligh said banks welcome the announcement by the Treasurer, Minister… Read more »

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Media Releases
Raising the bar to help customers doing it tough
20 March 2019

Customers at risk of elder financial abuse, those exiting a violent relationship and someone experiencing an unexpected long-term illness are among the focus of new ‘vulnerable customer guidelines’, on which public consultation opens today. The consultation, open to the public, will result in a new industry guideline on supporting vulnerable customers, to complement the new… Read more »

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Media Releases
Further measures to enforce industry codes a welcome step
18 March 2019

Today’s release of a consultation paper about further enforcement of industry codes is welcomed by Australia’s banks, who look forward to working with regulators and the Treasury to identify what more can be done to further enforce its new Banking Code of Practice.

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Media Releases
Overhaul of bank staff pay on track to meet Royal Commission deadline
12 March 2019

The banking industry welcomes a new independent report by former Public Service Commissioner Mr Stephen Sedgwick AO, released today, which has found that banks are on track to meet their 2020 deadline to overhaul staff pay, a critical issue highlighted by the Royal Commission, while also noting there is more work to be done to ensure full implementation.

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Media Releases
Banking Code shakeup after Royal Commission Final Report
27 February 2019

Farmers, small business owners, customers living in remote areas or with limited English and Australians with basic bank accounts will receive new protections under a revamped Banking Code of Practice in response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission.

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Media Releases
Banks stand ready to help cattle farmers affected by floods
8 February 2019

Queensland cattle farmers affected by flooding are being urged to contact their banks, who have special teams ready to help and provide a wide range of assistance.

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Media Releases
Assistance for communities affected by floods and bushfires
5 February 2019

Customers affected by the recent floods in Queensland or bushfires in Tasmania are able to access assistance from their bank, which can include deferred loans payments, waiving fees and charges and assisting with debt consolidation.

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Media Releases
Statement from ABA CEO Anna Bligh on the release of the Final Report of the Royal Commission
4 February 2019

The Australian banking industry acknowledges the rigour and diligence that Commissioner Hayne and his team have brought to this task.

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Media Releases
Protecting privacy at the forefront of Consumer Data Right reform
24 January 2019

In its submission to the first Privacy Impact Assessment of the Consumer Data Right released today Australia’s banks back strong privacy settings to protect customers and have identified the pilot, due to commence this year, as an important test.

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Media Releases
APRA decision will increase choice for home loan customers
19 December 2018

Today’s announcement of the removal of the 30% benchmark for new interest-only residential mortgages will allow all banks to offer more choice for customers, leading to an increase in competition across the industry, particularly for smaller and regional banks.

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