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The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.

Media Releases
ABA welcomes Opposition’s decision to block SA bank tax
3 July 2017

The Australian Bankers’ Association welcomes the decision by the South Australian Liberal Party to oppose the proposed State Bank Tax in the South Australian Parliament.

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Media Releases
More support to stop the South Australian bank tax
3 July 2017

A new Galaxy poll of key South Australian marginal seats shows South Australians believe the proposed bank tax will hurt the state and want the tax blocked in the Parliament.

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Media Releases
Weatherill wrong again on banks
30 June 2017

South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill’s claims that banks don’t pay their fair share of tax, including the goods and services tax, is wrong, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
New customer-focused bank code on the way
30 June 2017

The Australian Bankers’ Association said today the industry’s Code of Banking Practice was on track to be finalised by the end of 2017, with redrafting well underway to make it more accessible to customers and small businesses.

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Media Releases
Weatherill Government completely wrong on tax paid by banks
27 June 2017

The Weatherill Government is wrong to claim that banks are under taxed, new data shows.

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Media Releases
Growing concern highlights flaws of SA major bank tax
27 June 2017

The almost universal chorus of concern at the South Australian Government’s proposal for a major bank tax reinforces its fundamental flaws, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
South Australia triple dipping on tax for major banks
23 June 2017

A new proposed tax on five Australian banks by the South Australian Government is an outrageous cash grab without policy substance, the Australian Bankers’ Association Chief Executive Anna Bligh said today.

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Media Releases
ABA welcomes Senate Committee report into major bank levy
18 June 2017

The Australian Bankers’ Association has today welcomed the Senate Economics Legislation Committee report on the major bank levy.

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Media Releases
Use of bank services increasing, fees staying down
14 June 2017

The number of customer transactions, loans and accounts are increasing but growth in fees paid by households and businesses remains low, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
Mortgage industry comes together to progress ASIC proposals
14 June 2017

Representatives from the mortgage industry have begun a process to ensure that incentives and governance arrangements are aligned with good outcomes for customers, in response to ASIC’s report on mortgage broker remuneration.

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Media Releases
Banks crackdown to prevent finance sector misconduct
9 June 2017

Bank customers can expect greater protection with new hiring measures agreed by Australia’s banks to crackdown on individuals with a history of misconduct moving from one job to the next undetected.

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Media Releases
Soft GDP a wake-up call for Government on bank tax
7 June 2017

Today’s weak economic growth figure highlights the need to maintain a strong banking industry, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
Major bank levy legislation reveals details behind Government’s hasty tax grab
30 May 2017

The legislation for the major bank levy introduced today shows the Federal Government’s original design had major flaws and significant questions remain on how this rushed legislation will affect the economy, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
Time for public scrutiny of major bank tax
19 May 2017

The Federal Government must open up the major bank levy for public scrutiny, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
Rumours of ABA split rubbish: Deputy Chairman
19 May 2017

Deputy Australian Bankers’ Association Chairman and Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Chief Executive Mike Hirst has today described rumours of a split in the ABA as “complete rubbish”.

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Media Releases
Bad tax inexplicably now a secret tax
18 May 2017

In an extraordinary move the Federal Government has today forced senior executives of the five major banks to sign confidentiality agreements before releasing the draft major bank tax legislation for examination.

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Media Releases
ABA calls for more consultation on major bank tax and release of Regulatory Impact Statement
15 May 2017

The Australian Bankers’ Association has today called for the Federal Government to release analysis of the impact of the major bank levy on the broader economy, including households and businesses.

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Media Releases
Treasurer called on to release modelling of major bank tax
12 May 2017

The Australian Bankers’ Association Chief Executive Anna Bligh has written to the Hon Scott Morrison MP calling on him to immediately release Treasury modelling of the major bank tax.

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Media Releases
Treasury meeting on bank tax raises more questions than answers
11 May 2017

The CEO of the Australian Bankers’ Association Ms Anna Bligh today warned that the Federal Government’s new $6.2 billion bank tax is fraught with even more uncertainty after Treasury officials were unable to answer key questions at a briefing with banks in Sydney today.

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Media Releases
New major bank tax bad for jobs and economic growth
10 May 2017

A new tax on major banks in the Federal Budget is a tax on the economy, the Australian Bankers’ Association Chief Executive Anna Bligh said tonight.

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