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The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.

Media Releases
ABA welcomes ASIC expansion of customer remediation
16 September 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association has welcomed the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s guidance on customer remediation programs released today.

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Media Releases
More time to have your say on bank employee pay
9 September 2016

The deadline to make a submission to the independent review of commissions and payments in retail banking has been extended to maximise the opportunity for public feedback, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
Bank CEOs declare commitment to strengthen industry
31 August 2016

Bank chief executives have confirmed their commitment to respond to legitimate concerns raised about the industry.

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Media Releases
Labor re-hashes ‘terms of reference’ from own dissenting report
29 August 2016

After four months of silence on its terms of reference for a royal commission into banking, Labor has instead cut and pasted part of its May dissenting report from the PJC inquiry into impaired bank loans.

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Media Releases
Have your say on the Code of Banking Practice
24 August 2016

There is still an opportunity to make a submission to the independent review of the Code of Banking Practice, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
Royal commission is pure politics
23 August 2016

Today’s revelation by Manager of Opposition Business, Tony Burke MP, that Labor intends to use its proposed royal commission to test the strength of the Government’s one-seat majority proves Labor’s motivations are purely political.

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Media Releases
Labor misleads on customer complaint claims
22 August 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association has responded to Labor’s claim that a big increase in complaints is justification for a royal commission.

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Media Releases
Finance jobs growth drives labour market
18 August 2016

Employment in the finance and insurance industry has been a strong driver of employment growth over the past year, contributing to the resilience in the overall labour market, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
ABA welcomes external dispute resolution review
8 August 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association has today welcomed the release of the terms of reference of the Federal Government’s review into external dispute resolution.

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Media Releases
ABA responds to call for transparency on interest rates
5 August 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association today responded to the Federal Government’s invitation for banks to brief a parliamentary committee on interest rate decisions.

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Media Releases
ABA comments on Ian McPhee report
14 July 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association has today welcomed the release of Mr Ian McPhee’s first quarterly report on how the industry is progressing with new initiatives to protect customer interests.

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Media Releases
Review into retail banking remuneration begins
11 July 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association has today released details of an independent review of commissions and payments made to bank staff and third parties.

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Media Releases
Review of Code of Banking Practice commences
7 July 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association has today released details of the independent review of the Code of Banking Practice, which sets standards of good conduct for banks.

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Media Releases
Bank fee growth remains low, transaction volumes high
16 June 2016

Over the past four years average weekly bank fees paid by households have remained steady, according to a new report from the Australian Bankers’ Association.

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Media Releases
Financial relief available following east coast weather event
9 June 2016

Communities impacted by the extreme weather along the country’s east coast can get help from their bank, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
The Greens’ bank policy a threat to economic stability
31 May 2016

I’m The Australian Bankers’ Association has today strongly rejected the Greens’ proposal to break up Australia’s major banks and has called on the Australian Labor Party to do the same.

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Media Releases
Concerned dairy farmers encouraged to contact their bank
25 May 2016

Banks are supporting dairy farmers impacted by the sudden changes to their businesses with the recent reduction in farm gate milk prices, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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Media Releases
Former Auditor-General to oversee new bank measures
19 May 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association has today announced the appointment of Mr Ian McPhee AO PSM to oversee the implementation of recently announced measures by banks to protect consumer interests.

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Media Releases
Letter of engagement
19 May 2016

ABA letter of engagement to Ian McPhee AO PSM regarding banking industry initiatives.

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Media Releases
New resource to help small businesses get a bank loan
12 May 2016

Banks are helping make it easier for small businesses to access finance, as lending to small businesses over 2015 reached its highest level on record, the Australian Bankers’ Association said today.

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