The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.
The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.
For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.
Good morning, Chair and members of the committee. Australian banks are committed to responsible lending rules, APRA requirements, and the Banking Code of Practice to protect consumers purchasing a home. Owning a home is central to the Australian way of life, and banks are committed to supporting first home buyers. In the last five years,… Read more »
Enhancing Corporate Integrity in Banking: The Royal Commission has had a profound and enduring effect on the structure, culture and operation of banking in this country, forever searing in their minds the high cost of misconduct to reputation, brand and shareholder value.
‘Unquestionably good’ means going above and beyond the expectations of customers with products, services and, importantly, behavior.
A speech by ABA CEO Anna Bligh to the NSW Far Writers’ Lunch
Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Banking Association, to the Sydney launch of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.
Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Banking Association, to the FINSIA 2018 Summit about earning back trust and the role of self regulation.
Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Banking Association, to the COSBOA Vodafone National Small Business Summit.
Transcript of Anna Bligh’s Opening Address to the Competition in Banking Conference, Melbourne Business School, 6 June 2018.
Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Banking Association, to the Thomson Reuters Australian Regulatory Summit.
Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Banking Association, to the Australian Financial Review’s 2018 Banking and Wealth Summit.
Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Banking Association, to the Financial Counsellors’ Association of Queensland Conference about improving the banking experience for customers.
Speech by Christine Cupitt, Executive Director – Policy at the Australian Bankers’ Association, to the Responsible Lending and Borrowing Summit on the new Banking Code of Practice.
Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Banking Association, to the 5th National Elder Abuse Conference in Sydney.
Keynote presentation by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers’ Association, to the Tax Institute on the Gold Coast.
Keynote address by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers’ Association, at the Commonwealth Club of Adelaide.
Closing address by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers’ Association, at the Australian Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association conference in Melbourne.
Keynote address by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers’ Association, at the Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit in Sydney.
Opening statement by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers’ Association at the inquiry into the major bank levy.
Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers’ Association at the AFR Banking & Wealth Summit.
Speech by Steven Münchenberg, Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers’ Association. Delivered at the Conduct Risk, Culture & Regulation in Financial Services Conference.