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Graeme Goodings (Host): Hardly a day goes by that we don’t talk about scams. I mean, we’re ever alert, but the scammers seem to be one step ahead, half a step ahead, best, and all we can do is put out warnings to you on a regular basis. Joining me now is CEO of the… Read more »
Natalie Barr (Host): Well, as we kick off into footy season, the Australian Banking Association is urging Aussies to remain vigilant with ticketing scams. Matt Shervington (Host): People buying resale tickets to footy games on social media are being told to watch out for the warning signs as the growing number of criminals take advantage… Read more »
Sally Sara (Host): Australian banks will today come under a new code of practice that aims to strengthen protections for customers who are suffering financial hardship and small businesses as well. The new code, which comes into effect today, is the culmination of a long running review and has been drafted after extensive consultation with… Read more »
Chris Bath (Host): What’s been your experience of getting finance to buy a house while you’re juggling your HECS HELP debt? Still finding it hilarious actually, that the word help even features in university debt acronyms, but that’s a whole other can of worms. You might have heard the Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, out and about… Read more »
Karl Langdon (Host): Anna Bligh is the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Banking Association. Australians with Student Help debts to the tune of $43 billion, $3 million Aussies have outstanding help loans, Milsy. Steve Mills (Host): So, when you apply for a loan, you have to put it down as a liability, and the… Read more »
Stephanie Nitschke (Host): Now, locals are being urged to guard our hearts and our bank accounts in the lead up to Valentine’s Day. Scammers will be ramping up and preying on romantics and vulnerable people. Last year, Australians reported over 3000 romance scams, that’s $24 million. So, it does pay to be extra vigilant at… Read more »
E&OE TRANSCRIPT JIM CHALMERS, TREASURER: Thanks for coming out relatively early. I wanted to first of all make an announcement with Minister Rowland about regional banking. Then I wanted to update you on some of the economic impacts of the flooding that we’ve seen and are seeing in North Queensland and Far North Queensland. I… Read more »
e&oe Mike Amor (Host): There’s a warning from our big banks ahead of Valentine’s Day to be aware of romance and dating scams, with Australians losing almost $24 million last year. Joining me now is the CEO of the Australian Banking Association, Anna Bligh. Anna, good to see you. International gangs are using artificial intelligence… Read more »
Karl Stefanovic (Host): Well, with Aussies losing more than $20 million to romance scams last year, that’s right, $20 million. Banks are now warning people to be extra cautious when looking for love online to discuss Sarah Abo (Host): We are joined now by CEO of the Australian Banking Association, Anna Bligh, good to see… Read more »
Tom Elliott (Host): I wanted to talk about scams in a moment. We know there’s many different scams from getting emails – I saw one in my spam today, saying I have a photo of you doing something you shouldn’t have been doing, if you don’t give me $2000 I’ll release the pictures online. I… Read more »
Jamie Burnett (Host): But today, the Federal Government has launched a new scam awareness campaign encouraging you to stop, to check, to protect. Sounds good? Been welcomed by the Australian Banking Association, as you’d expect. Its CEO is Anna Bligh, good morning Anna. Anna Bligh (Guest): Good morning. Jamie, how are you? Jamie Burnett: Yeah,… Read more »
Gary Hardgrave (Host): To the story, Christine Rose and her husband, David, they fell victim to a vicious, really vicious scam. It’s robbed them of $40,000 the money was the house deposit for their first property purchased together. It’s all gone because a cyber-criminal impersonated their solicitor. Christine Rose (clip from previous interview): It’s affected… Read more »
Cassandra Hough (Host): Now staying with the drought, and off the back of all this drought concerns and frost events, there are a lot of producers facing financial distress, and as we heard on the program yesterday, they’ve been asking for banks to be flexible and provide some tailored support for farmers going forward. But what… Read more »
Gary Adshead (Host): And what’s happening is the ACCC, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are going to be given some funding to tackle this as an issue and then potentially ban debit card charges from January 1, 2026 that seems a long way away anyway. Let’s talk about it now with Anna Bligh, the CEO… Read more »
Anna Bligh: This new framework is a comprehensive approach to the terrible scourge of scams. This will mean that every single part of the scam chain where scammers try to take the hard earned money of Australians will now have to play a role in preventing scams, detecting them and keeping Australians safe. Journalist: I… Read more »
Craig Reucassel (Host): It’s also there was a bit of an inquiry into banking in parliament last week, NAB boss Andrew Irvine complained that he’d paid a 10 per cent surcharge when he bought a cup of coffee in Sydney. Surcharging has been outlawed in parts of the United States, Canada, Europe and Britain. Is… Read more »
Sarah Macdonald (Host): Have you had a call from your bank to check you’re okay? Did you see the Commonwealth Bank in Canberra yesterday appearing and executives saying it is taking down 50 fake Commonwealth Bank websites a week, 50 a week. As you know, Australians are losing a lot of money to scams, $3… Read more »
Journalist: Maybe if we start off just with these merchant fees and card surcharges, I guess, why are they even necessary to begin with? Anna Bligh: Every time you make a purchase with a card and that payment goes to the person it’s supposed to go to, it’s gone over a set of rails. They’re… Read more »
Jo Trilling (Host): When was the last time your phone pinged with a message from your bank, a fake one, of course, because they are rarely ever real, but they are relentless. So, should the banks be doing more to stop it? Anna Bligh is the CEO of the Australian Banking Association. Welcome to Drive… Read more »
Oliver Peterson (Host): Extra protections from the banks to shield you from scams are going to be front and centre of a new campaign, which has been launched today by the Australian Banking Association. Joining me on the line is its CEO, Anna Bligh, good afternoon. Anna Bligh (Guest): Good afternoon. How are you? Oliver… Read more »