The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.
The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.
For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.
Anna answered questions about the impact of COVID-19 on banks’ profits, how banks have responded to help customers during the pandemic and what’s happening next to customers who’ve deferred their mortgages.
Interview: Almost 45% of Australians who deferred their mortgages in June have begun repaying their loans.
TRANSCRIPT E&OE 14 October 2019 Media Conference Parliament House Canberra ANNA BLIGH: Australia’s banks stand ready to assist the ACCC with this inquiry. Our banks are no strangers to public scrutiny and they look forward to providing information that will shed more light on the many complex factors that go into the determination of interest rates on Australian mortgages. QUESTION: Why have you passed on so little of the 75 percentage… Read more »
4 Feb 19 – Royal Commission Final Report Media Conference
10 Oct 18 – Ending fees for no service Media Conference
28 Sep 18 – Media Conference Royal Commission Interim Report
15 Jun 18 – Interview with Sabra Lane, ABC AM Program
9 Feb 18 – Interview with Georgie Gardner on Ch9 Today Show
12 Feb 18 – Interview with Fran Kelly, ABC Radio National