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New Financial Assistance Hub


The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

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Customers continue to come off deferrals
11 March 2021

“right at the height of COVID, when things were at their absolute worst, only 10% of Australian mortgage holders deferred the payments on those mortgages. 90% of those people are now back paying in full.”

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Media Releases
New loan scheme good for small business
11 March 2021

“This is the right product for the times. It includes more flexibility, and will allow small businesses to re-stock, rebuild and recover”, said ABA CEO, Anna Bligh.

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Media Releases
Banks Ready to Help Banana Growers in the Wake of Cyclone Niran
5 March 2021

Australian banks are supporting communities in Far North Queensland affected by Tropical Cyclone Niran.

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Guidelines, Principles & Protocols
Banking Code
1 March 2021
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Banking Code of Practice (March 1 2021 version)
1 March 2021

This is the version of the Banking Code of Practice that took effect on 1 March 2021, a variation of the 1 March 2020 Release. It has now been superseded. This version of the code has been replaced by the October 5 2021 Version.

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Anna Bligh on ABC AM Radio – 91% of deferrals resume
19 February 2021

“No customer is going to wake up the day after the 31st of March and find that there is some legal action being taken by their bank on their loan.”

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February 2021 Monthly News: assistance hub launched
18 February 2021

“For the first time, banks are unveiling an industry-wide Financial Assistance Hub. The site aims to inform and assist bank customers so they know exactly where they stand, and the support their banks will provide them.”

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Media Releases
Banks launch new phase of pandemic support
17 February 2021

Banks have developed an industry-wide, consistent approach to hardship and a new online tool to guide customers.

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Media Releases
Stronger regulation needed for debt management firms
16 February 2021

The ABA supports the proposed licencing regime for debt management firms and has called for further changes to protect consumers.

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Media Releases
Support for WA bushfire areas
5 February 2021

“The most important consideration right now is staying safe. But when West Australians affected by recent bushfires are ready to pick up the pieces, their bank will be ready to help,”

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Media Releases
New credit reporting laws a win for customers
4 February 2021

New Comprehensive Credit Reporting laws will lead to better deals for customers with a good credit history.

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TRANSCRIPT: ABA CEO Anna Bligh on ABC NewsRadio: banks still supporting customers
20 January 2021

“…banks can go back to their normal processes and that is working out what’s right for every single customer, on an individual tailored basis with a proper assessment. That is the best thing for the customer.”

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December 2020 Monthly News
20 December 2020

“Times of crisis bring us together as a nation and 2020 is no exception. As we approach the year’s end, it’s worth reflecting on the challenges we have overcome together.”

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Efficient and Responsible: Getting the Lending Balance Right
25 November 2020

Access to credit opens up opportunities and fulfills aspirations. Getting it right requires the right balance between consumer protections and the flow of credit.

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November 2020 Monthly News
20 November 2020

At the start of November, the number of loans still on deferral had fallen by almost 70%. Just 145,000 home loans remain on hold, and this number is falling every day.

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TRANSCRIPT: ABA CEO Anna Bligh on ABC Radio’s AM 18 November “a chance to get back on their feet”
18 November 2020

Interviewed by AM’s Peter Ryan, ABA CEO Anna Bligh talked about the substantial drop in loan deferrals since their peak during the pandemic, falling from 900,000 to 300,000.

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Media Releases
Majority of deferred loans back on track
17 November 2020

The number of deferred loans has fallen below 300,000 – a reduction of almost 70% since the peak earlier this year.

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Media Releases
Banks to continue Royal Commission reform
12 November 2020

“Banks have already been acting on the findings of Commissioner Hayne and remain fully engaged for this next phase” ABA CEO Anna Bligh

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COVID-19 refinancing breaks records: Anna Bligh on ABC News Breakfast
2 November 2020

“we’ve seen a record high number of Australians switch their loans, either to another bank or gone to their own bank and got a better deal.”

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ABC Sydney Radio – Interview with Anna Bligh
30 October 2020

Anna answered questions about the impact of COVID-19 on banks’ profits, how banks have responded to help customers during the pandemic and what’s happening next to customers who’ve deferred their mortgages.

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