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The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.

Media Releases
Further measures to enforce industry codes a welcome step
18 March 2019

Today’s release of a consultation paper about further enforcement of industry codes is welcomed by Australia’s banks, who look forward to working with regulators and the Treasury to identify what more can be done to further enforce its new Banking Code of Practice.

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Media Releases
Overhaul of bank staff pay on track to meet Royal Commission deadline
12 March 2019

The banking industry welcomes a new independent report by former Public Service Commissioner Mr Stephen Sedgwick AO, released today, which has found that banks are on track to meet their 2020 deadline to overhaul staff pay, a critical issue highlighted by the Royal Commission, while also noting there is more work to be done to ensure full implementation.

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Media Releases
Banking Code shakeup after Royal Commission Final Report
27 February 2019

Farmers, small business owners, customers living in remote areas or with limited English and Australians with basic bank accounts will receive new protections under a revamped Banking Code of Practice in response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission.

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Re-earning trust: the long road ahead
22 February 2019

A speech by ABA CEO Anna Bligh to the NSW Far Writers’ Lunch

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Media Releases
Banks stand ready to help cattle farmers affected by floods
8 February 2019

Queensland cattle farmers affected by flooding are being urged to contact their banks, who have special teams ready to help and provide a wide range of assistance.

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Media Releases
Assistance for communities affected by floods and bushfires
5 February 2019

Customers affected by the recent floods in Queensland or bushfires in Tasmania are able to access assistance from their bank, which can include deferred loans payments, waiving fees and charges and assisting with debt consolidation.

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February 2019 Update
5 February 2019

Royal Commission Final Report

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4 Feb 19 – Royal Commission Final Report Media Conference
4 February 2019

4 Feb 19 – Royal Commission Final Report Media Conference

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Media Releases
Statement from ABA CEO Anna Bligh on the release of the Final Report of the Royal Commission
4 February 2019

The Australian banking industry acknowledges the rigour and diligence that Commissioner Hayne and his team have brought to this task.

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Media Releases
Protecting privacy at the forefront of Consumer Data Right reform
24 January 2019

In its submission to the first Privacy Impact Assessment of the Consumer Data Right released today Australia’s banks back strong privacy settings to protect customers and have identified the pilot, due to commence this year, as an important test.

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Media Releases
APRA decision will increase choice for home loan customers
19 December 2018

Today’s announcement of the removal of the 30% benchmark for new interest-only residential mortgages will allow all banks to offer more choice for customers, leading to an increase in competition across the industry, particularly for smaller and regional banks.

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Media Releases
Chair and Deputy Chair reappointed for another term
5 December 2018

Today the Australian Banking Association Council held its Annual General Meeting, re-electing Shayne Elliott as Chair and David Carter as Deputy Chair for another 12 months. 

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Media Releases
Banking products to be designed with accessibility in mind
30 November 2018

Australia’s banks have today committed to new principles to ensure accessible banking for the four million Australians living with disability. These principles have been developed in consultation with disability advocates and the banking industry.

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Speech at the Sydney Launch of AFCA
15 November 2018

Speech by Anna Bligh, Chief Executive of the Australian Banking Association, to the Sydney launch of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

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Media Releases
Banks welcome ‘one stop shop’ for resolving disputes
31 October 2018

The newly created Australian Financial Complaints Authority, to begin operation on November 1, is an important step to streamlining dispute resolution, making it easier to access and easier to understand for customers.

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