22 November 2022
This document aims to help farm businesses understand the process your bank will undertake when providing consent for a carbon or biodiversity projects through a state based or federal government scheme.
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Graeme Goodings (Host): Hardly a day goes by that we don’t talk about scams. I mean, we’re ever alert, but the scammers seem to be one step ahead, half a step ahead, best, and all we can do is put out warnings to you on a regular basis. Joining me now is CEO of the… Read more »
Natalie Barr (Host): Well, as we kick off into footy season, the Australian Banking Association is urging Aussies to remain vigilant with ticketing scams. Matt Shervington (Host): People buying resale tickets to footy games on social media are being told to watch out for the warning signs as the growing number of criminals take advantage… Read more »
Download radio grabs from ABA CEO Anna Bligh here. With the footy season kicking off, fans looking to get their hands on high demand or last-minute tickets are being urged to exercise extra vigilance and be on alert for ticket scams. The ABA is warning passionate supporters to not fall victim to ticket scammers –… Read more »