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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on the BCBS Consultative Document: Guidelines: Prudential treatment of problem assets

15 July 2016

The ABA lodged a submission with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on the prudential treatment of problem assets - definitions of non-performing exposures and forbearance.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on the BCBS CD Reducing variation in credit risk-weighed assets etc

24 June 2016

The ABA lodged its submission with the BCBS on the Consultative Document Reducing variation in credit risk-weighted assets - constraints on the use of internal model approaches. The ABA supports a simple and comparable capital framework that retains appropriate risk sensitivity.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on the BCBS CD Pillar 3 disclosure requirements etc.

10 June 2016

The ABA provided the BCBS with comments on the Consultative Document: Pillar 3 disclosure requirements - consolidated and enhanced framework. The ABA is supportive of the proposed enhancements and the consolidation of all existing and prospective BCBS disclosure requirements into the Pillar 3 framework.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on the BCBS CD: Standardised Measurement Approach for operational risk

3 June 2016

The ABA responded to the BCBS CD: Standardised Measurement Approach for operational risk and in responding to the specific questions raised, also provided the Committee with additional feedback for consideration.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on APRA’s DP: Basel III liquidity – the net stable funding ratio and the liquid assets requirement for foreign ADIS

31 May 2016

The ABA welcomes APRA's efforts to tailor the BCBS liquidity framework rules for the Australian financial system.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on margining and risk mitigation for non-centrally cleared derivatives

20 May 2016

The ABA provided APRA with its comments on the Discussion Paper: Margining and risk mitigation for non-centrally cleared derivatives. While generally supporting the comprehensive submissions by the Australian Financial Markets Association and International Swaps and Derivatives Association, the ABA and members have some specific comments on CPS 226 which are of particular importance to members.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on APS 110 and APG 110

23 March 2016

The ABA provided APRA with comments on "Amendments to Prudential Standard APS 110 Capital Adequacy and draft Prudential Practice Guide APG 110 - Capital Buffers.

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The Australian Bankers’s Association submission on Revisions to the prudential framework for securitisation

14 March 2016

The ABA provided APRA with feedback on the discussion paper "Revisions to the prudential framework for securitisation". The ABA agrees with APRA for the critical need to revive the domestic securitisation market in order to encourage banks to originate more credit into the real economy.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on the Revisions to the Standardised Approach for credit risk

11 March 2016

The ABA welcomed the opportunity to provide feedback on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Second consultative document: Standards: Revisions to the Standardised Approach for credit risk.

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