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Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2021

10 September 2021

The ABA supports the proposed amendments being considered by Parliament expeditiously to give industry ample time to implement changes to comply with the reforms. As such the ABA strongly supports the proposed bill being finalised and introduced into Parliament as soon as practicable. However, the ABA also asks Treasury to consider making a number of further amendments and clarifying a small number of matters in the Bill. Doing so would enhance the effectiveness and benefit of the Bill for industry.

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Deferred Sales Model Exemptions

9 August 2021

The ABA supports the Government’s proposed regulations to exempt insurance products from the deferred sales model that provide high value and are well understood by consumers. This provides a more targeted approach to add-on insurance products subject to the deferred sales model and will address consumer harms and poor value identified by the Royal Commission without affecting the availability and accessibility of high value insurance products. However, the ABA considers there is further room to refine the proposed regulations in relation to business insurance.

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Opt-Out Joint Account Data Sharing Model

26 May 2021

Whilst the ABA supports the principle of a simple CDR, we question the ability to develop a ‘one-size-fits-all-sectors’ approach to joint accounts. The ABA supports retaining the current opt-in approach. The proposed opt-out approach is not supported on the basis that it undermines the foundational principle of the CDR, which is informed consent. We are of the view that it is not feasible to nominate an industry preferred option at this point.

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Modernising Business Communications

3 March 2021

The ABA welcomes the Government’s establishment of the Deregulation Taskforce (Taskforce). The proposed reforms to modernise business communications have the potential to reduce business costs and reflect the way Australian consumers and businesses prefer to manage their financial affairs today. The ABA particularly welcomes the Taskforce’s whole-of-economy approach by working to improve technology neutrality across Commonwealth laws, and importantly - partnering with states and territories to explore opportunities to achieve national consistency.

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Treasury consultation on licensing debt management firms

12 February 2021

The ABA supports the Government’s proposal to licence debt management and credit repair firms. We believe that all Australians should be afforded consistent consumer protections, no matter which credit or financial services provider they choose.

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Response to Treasury Consultation on Consumer Credit Reforms

24 November 2020

The Australian Banking Association (ABA) supports the Government’s Consumer Credit Reforms. These important reforms will strike the right balance between maintaining strong consumer protections while providing credit into the economy at a critical time. The ABA supports: Maintaining strong consumer protections Consistent consumer protection and level playing field Simplification and removing duplication Support for complementary reforms

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Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2020: CDR Consultation

19 October 2020

The ABA supports the Government’s intention to centralise design and rule making functions and encourages further centralisation of other critical functions of the CDR.

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