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Shared responsibility in drought support

21 July 2021

Banks in Australia have a strong history of helping agri-business customers through difficult times. Banks provide a range of services to help farming customers experiencing not only the effects of drought but also natural disasters or other circumstances outside their control. The ABA welcomes the Government's continued support regarding the existing provisions of in-drought support measures.

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Using technology to hold meetings and sign and send documents

16 July 2021

The ABA supports legislation being technology neutral and facilitating innovation in how companies and businesses engage with shareholders and other stakeholders.

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Digital Identity Position Paper (Phase 2)

16 July 2021

ABA reiterates our view that there is significant potential economic benefit in the government’s digital identity initiative for consumers and businesses. ABA also reiterates that the ability of a government digital identity system to achieve wider adoption, and therefore realise the potential economic benefits of this government policy, will likely depend on factors such as clarity of legislative framework, flexibility to innovate and incentive to participate, security of protections for data and privacy, and clarity and effectiveness of governance arrangements.

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Reporting Standard ARS 220.0 Credit Exposures and Provisions (APRA)

6 July 2021

The ABA and members are supportive of APRA’s move to data collection based on a concept-dimension data model. ABA members broadly support the approach APRA has outlined in their letter of June 8. The collective view of ABA members is that a successful implementation will result from sufficient time being given to develop a full taxonomy, and that this is finalised well in advance of the first submission date so banks can build the infrastructure to support the data model. ABA members have concerns with the overlap of two new reporting requirements (the tactical solution and the incremental collections), the granular level of detail required for the strategic solution (especially for the lower risk portfolios) and the timing by which each reporting needs to be provided.

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Review of the ePayments Code: further consultation (CP341)

2 July 2021

The ABA supports proposals to clarify the definition of a mistaken internet payment (MIP), Further work is needed to assess the case and benefits of the proposal to extend the ePC to small business. While the ABA supports modernising the Code, we consider the proposals about biometrics and virtual cards need further work. ABA also asks ASIC to consider a more fulsome modernisation of the Code.

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Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre – Issues Paper

30 June 2021

The ABA welcomes the G20 support for FATF action on the regulation and oversight of virtual assets and virtual asset service providers. The ABA supports Australia’s adoption of FATF Standards to support responsible innovation across the financial services sector by regulating and supervising virtual asset activities and related service providers in order to mitigate the associated money laundering and terrorist financing risks.

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Regulation of credit cards and digital wallets for online gambling

25 June 2021

The ABA encourages the Committee to consider amending the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 to establish a consistent policy approach to the use of credit for gambling across all gambling services in venues and online for the benefit of customers. Banks will continue to engage with community groups and industry stakeholders on this issue.

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Phase 1.5 AML/CTF Rules and Guidance

8 June 2021

The ABA strongly supports the objectives of the AML/CTF regime. It also strongly supports that the obligations be simplified, streamlined and clarified, and the regulatory burden reduced where possible. While we are supportive of these amendments overall, the ABA seeks clarification on aspects of the draft Rules and Guidance.

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Regulator Performance Guide

2 June 2021

The ABA considers that the review of the existing Regulator Performance Guide is timely. It is critical to ensure that regulation of the financial system does not inhibit the ability of financial firms to serve the Australian population or grow the economy. The ABA supports the Government’s proposal to transition towards a more flexible and principles-based approach to regulator performance. We have developed our response with a focus on providing constructive suggestions to improve the potential scope and application of the three principles that are proposed with regard to financial regulation Continuous improvement and building trust Risk-based and data-driven Collaboration and engagement

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Opt-Out Joint Account Data Sharing Model

26 May 2021

Whilst the ABA supports the principle of a simple CDR, we question the ability to develop a ‘one-size-fits-all-sectors’ approach to joint accounts. The ABA supports retaining the current opt-in approach. The proposed opt-out approach is not supported on the basis that it undermines the foundational principle of the CDR, which is informed consent. We are of the view that it is not feasible to nominate an industry preferred option at this point.

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