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Consumer Data Right On-boarding – Feedback

23 October 2020

The ABA believes that this process flow will benefit from an additional step ‘Testing’. The ABA recommends that testing stages which are aligned to those documented in the ACCC’s ‘Assurance Strategy Consumer Data Right’ (28/8/19) should be implemented for all data holders.

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Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2020: CDR Consultation

19 October 2020

The ABA supports the Government’s intention to centralise design and rule making functions and encourages further centralisation of other critical functions of the CDR.

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Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Systems of National Significance

16 October 2020

The ABA strongly supports the Government’s desire to build on rather than duplicate existing regulation. A harmonised approach is critical to the implementation of these reforms in the banking industry. A single regulator having a clear mandate and a transparent system in place for regulatory co-ordination for banks - a model that may be relevant for other parts of the banking and financial services sector and other sectors.

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Proposed APRA Performance Measures

24 September 2020

The ABA welcomes the timely review of APRA’s performance measures and supports more streamlined performance metrics. Developing new metrics is an opportunity for APRA to clearly demonstrate how it is implementing best practice and considering the compliance costs in its decision making holistically.

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APRA consultation on treatment of loans impacted by COVID-19

21 August 2020

The ABA seeks clarification, but welcomes APRA’s approach by requiring a credit assessment to be ‘appropriate'. The ABA welcomes greater data transparency by regulators, but has a list of recommendations for ARS 923.3.

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Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence

24 July 2020

The banking industry is committed to working with government and stakeholders to develop workable and effective strategies and policy solutions to support those impacted by family, domestic and sexual violence related financial abuse.

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Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020

10 July 2020

The ABA believes that deposits are currently protected and could not be bailed in during the resolution process of any ADI.

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ABA Response to Senate inquiry into Australian Government’s response to COVID-19

2 June 2020

The response incorporates initiatives on loan deferrals and lending, banking accessibility, and electronic conveyancing and electronic mortgages. These measures were designed to support consumers and businesses through this difficult time and intended to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on bank customers.

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Treasury RIS consultation on Enhancements to Unfair Contract Term Provisions

27 May 2020

The Australian Banking Association (ABA) supports an effective regulatory regime that provides consumers and small business with a strong level of protection from unfair contract terms (UCTs) in standard form contracts. In our view, making UCTs illegal and attaching penalties will result in a more legalistic approach to contracting and an adversarial process with regulators. We believe that a supervisory focused enforcement approach by regulators can best deliver improved outcomes for small business.

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Lessons learned from the Australian bushfire season 2019-20

22 May 2020

The ABA has set up a natural disasters work program that reports to our 16 Council members in order to clarify, strengthen and streamline the banking industry’s response to natural disasters to ensure that they have the right tools for the job at the right time. By the beginning of March 2020, the major banks had provided bushfire assistance grants totalling $7.6 million to more than 4,000 customers across Australia. The banks had also raised more than $42 million in donations to help devastated communities and assisted more than 3,500 customers with financial relief packages of the types described below.

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