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Royal Commission Round 3 – Small Business Lending

8 June 2018

Self-regulation of the banking industry through the Banking Code of Practice is adequate to address any residual concerns raised in the context of the Round 3 Hearings about the coverage of obligations imposed on the banks.

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Information security management: A new cross-industry prudential standard

7 June 2018

The ABA welcomes APRA’s steps to strengthen the industry’s cyber resilience and also supports measures that will require all regulated entities to lift their cyber security capabilities.

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Leverage ratio requirement for ADIs

1 May 2018

The Australian Banking Association (ABA) appreciates the opportunity to provide APRA with comments on the Discussion Paper: Leverage ratio requirement for authorised deposit-taking institutions

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BEAR Regime – Size of an ADI – Draft Legislative Instrument

20 April 2018

The ABA recommends that the draft legislative instrument be amended so that a ‘small ADI’ would be defined as having less than or equal to $30 billion total resident assets rather than the current definition of having less than or equal to $10 billion total resident assets (on a three-year average).

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Competition in the Australian Financial System

29 March 2018

Australian banks will continue to support evidence-based regulatory change that encourages competition and innovation while ensuring stability through the economic cycle. ABA members support many of the draft recommendations in the Productivity Commission’s draft report into Competition in the Australian Financial System.

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ABA Response to the Farrell Report into Open Banking

26 March 2018

Australia’s banks are committed to the success of open data which, if delivered properly, can empower customers to use their data from across the economy to make the best choices for their circumstances and preferences.

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Submission to the Banking, Super & Fin Services Royal Commission

9 March 2018

In recent years there have been a number of instances where banks have failed to meet the expectations of their customers and of the community.

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Australian Banking Association submission on Mandatory Comprehensive Credit Reporting

23 February 2018

The ABA has commented on the exposure draft legislation to mandate a comprehensive credit reporting regime.

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Australian Bankers’ Association submission on Crisis Resolution Powers Legislation

18 December 2017

The ABA has commented on the Inquiry into the Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Crisis Resolution Powers and Other Measures) Bill 2017 [Provisions]

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The Combined Industry Forum’s response to ASIC Report 516: Review of mortgage broker remuneration

11 December 2017

This paper responds to the proposals outlined in ASIC's 2016 Review of Mortgage Broker Remuneration and takes into account the third party recommendations of the Australian Bankers’ Association 2016/2017 Retail Banking Remuneration Review (Sedgwick Review).

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