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The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.

Media Releases
Changes to Australian Credit Laws
25 September 2020

“Banks look forward to working with the Government to ensure the legislation works for both customers and the broader economy”.

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Media Releases
6-month loan assessments begin as Australians resume loan repayments
7 September 2020

Australia’s banks supported their customers as the country entered the COVID-19 pandemic and they continue to support them on the way out.    As the initial wave of 6-month loan payment deferrals come to an end, banks have begun to contact customers for their 6-month assessment and to discuss the next stage of support and assistance. … Read more »

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Media Releases
Banks enter phase two on COVID-19 deferred loans
8 July 2020

This new phase of support turns a cliff into manageable steps for Australians to get back on track.

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Media Releases
Open Banking data flows from today
1 July 2020

“Customers can be assured that they will always be in control of how and when they share their data.”

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Media Releases
Electronic transactions and mortgages should be here to stay
18 June 2020

The temporary introduction of COVID-19 related measures such as electronic mortgages, witnessing a document over video call and signing documents electronically should be made permanent to save time, money and hassle for Australian customers.   A coalition of associations including the Australian Banking Association, the Business Council of Australia, the Australian Institute of Company Directors,… Read more »

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Media Releases
Banks defer repayment of 429,000 mortgages due to COVID-19
16 May 2020

Banks have deferred the repayments of one in fourteen mortgages totalling more than $150 billion to assist Australians through the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Media Releases
Banks deferred 100,000 extra loans this week: total more than 643,000
8 May 2020

Australia’s banks deferred an extra 100,000 loans, this week, including approximately 50,000 home loans, to help customers through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Total number of loans deferred is now at least 643,000.

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Media Releases
Australian banks step up to support customers and the economy
3 May 2020

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, banks have provided an estimated $6.8 billion of deferrals and more than $45 billion in new loans.

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Media Releases
Record issuance of debit cards to help isolated or vulnerable customers
29 April 2020

Currently there are over half a million Australian bank customers who actively use a passbook account or transaction account with no linked debit card.

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Media Releases
Bank CEOs will download COVIDSafe and encourage staff to do same
26 April 2020

“Australia’s banks are right behind efforts to open up the economy in the coming weeks, when healthcare authorities say it’s safe to do so.” – Anna Bligh

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Media Releases
Banks bolster efforts to help businesses bridge the gap to Jobkeeper
23 April 2020

Today the Treasurer met with the CEOs of ANZ, NAB, Westpac and the Commonwealth Bank who agreed to bolster their efforts to prioritise any business needing funding to bridge the gap until the first Jobkeeper payments are made in May. It was agreed special hotlines would be set up to help manage the applications from… Read more »

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Media Releases
SME Loan Guarantee scheme a lifeline to struggling small businesses
9 April 2020

“Banks stand ready to throw a lifeline to businesses across the country who are doing it tough through this COVID-19 crisis.”

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Media Releases
New Code provides welcome clarity for retail landlords, tenants and banks
7 April 2020

Australian Banking Association CEO Anna Bligh said the Code would give important guidance for all parties on managing a difficult issue for retail landlords, tenants and banks throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Media Releases
A COVID-19 mortgage deferral won’t affect your credit rating
6 April 2020

If a customer is granted a deferral on their mortgage and other credit products because of COVID-19, banks will report customers as not having missed a repayment.

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Media Releases
Banks to help commercial landlords who help tenants through COVID19
30 March 2020

Commercial landlords can get debt relief from their bank, if they don’t terminate leases or evict current tenants for rent arrears due to COVID19.

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Media Releases
Second stimulus package will help support small business
22 March 2020

Today’s announcement by the Federal Government of a second stimulus package, which includes an SME Guarantee Scheme and direct cash grants, will help keep businesses open and save jobs, building on the measures already announced by banks on Friday.   The SME Guarantee Scheme which allows for further funds to be injected into small business will… Read more »

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Media Releases
Banks announce Small Business Relief Package
20 March 2020

Australian banks will defer loan repayments for small businesses affected by COVID-19 for six months.

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Media Releases
Economic stimulus package will help keep economy strong
12 March 2020

Bank response to coronavirus stimulus package: “Australia’s banks are strong, stable and open for business, including for any company wanting to take advantage of initiatives in the Government’s stimulus package.”

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Media Releases
Royal Commission changes to Banking Code go live tomorrow
29 February 2020

Changes to the Banking Code of Practice as recommended by the Royal Commission will go live tomorrow.

““These changes to the Code are in addition to a number of actions already taken by banks as a direct result of the Royal Commission”, ABA CEO Anna Bligh.

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Media Releases
Illawarra customers protected by new rule book for banks
28 February 2020

The Australian Banking Association has today partnered with Illawarra Business Chamber to brief the local business community and stakeholders on the new Banking Code of Practice, the new Financing Your Small Business website and to hear firsthand from small businesses affected by the recent bushfires.

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