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The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.

Anna Bligh doorstop on Government response to mortgage and deposits reforms
15 June 2024

Journalist: The question I have is, are these regulations actually necessary, because my understanding is that a lot of banks already disclose this information?  Anna Bligh: These changes will mean more consistency for customers. Many banks are already doing a number of these things to make it easier for customers to get information. If these… Read more »

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Anna Bligh speaking on ABC’s Radio National Drive about financial hardship   
13 May 2024

Andy Park    Many homeowners and indeed renters would have breathed a sigh of relief yesterday when the RBA decided to keep the cash rate on hold but with the RBA Governor saying it’s too soon to declare victory, the question is not if but when there will be another interest rate hike. Perhaps certainly before… Read more »

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Anna Bligh interview on ABC Newcastle about the ABA’s financial hardship campaign.  
1 May 2024

Jenny Marchant    Your biggest cost is probably your rent or your mortgage, and they’re probably also the bills you’ll move heaven and earth to pay if you have to, because we all need somewhere to live. But the number of mortgage holders struggling with payments is increasing. If you find yourself in that position in… Read more »

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Anna Bligh Interview Sky News, discussing financial hardship and what banks can do to help
22 April 2024

Tom Connell  Those people with a home loan who have had a fixed rate are getting a shock as they come off that fixed rate. Often as low as two percent and onto the new variable rate that can be as high as six or even seven percent. So how is that affecting people out… Read more »

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Media Releases
Banks remind customers, ‘don’t tough it out on your own’
22 April 2024

​Australians facing difficult financial decisions are being reminded to get in touch with their bank and get the support they need to keep repayments on track.   The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is extending its ‘don’t tough it out on your own’ campaign which was launched last year, with a further round of advertisements to run… Read more »

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Banks hardship teams on standby to help cyclone-impacted communities in Queensland 
31 January 2024

Banks have dedicated hardship teams on standby to help those impacted by Tropical Cyclone Kirrily and the Australian Banking Association has urged those in need of financial assistance to reach out.  “With the second major cyclone in as many months followed by torrential rain, people in Queensland have been dealt yet another serious blow. I… Read more »

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Anna Bligh interview with Hamish MacDonald, ABC RN Breakfast on cost of living issues
8 June 2023

“There’s no doubt there’s a lot of stress and that’s one of the reasons people are talking to those hardship teams in banks. And I encourage people to do that.”

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Media Releases
Australian banks launch new credit report fact sheets
25 July 2022

“these factsheets are just one tool in Australian banks’ toolkit of offerings to help customers to get back on track”

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Transcript: Lismore floods – 3 month deferrals still available
8 July 2022

Anna Bligh spoke to ABC Radio North Coast on how banks can help those impacted by floods in the Lismore region.

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Media Releases
Banks offer flood victims a financial lifeline
3 March 2022

options to defer loan repayments for up to 3 months for those customers affected by the flood disasters

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Media Releases
Hardship assistance demand declines as Australia opens up
29 October 2021

“it’s heartening to see the need for assistance declining as many States and Territories come out of lockdown”

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Media Releases
Hardship assistance triples as deferrals continue to rise
15 September 2021

More than 57,000 customers have received hardship assistance during recent lockdowns across Australia.

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Banks supporting customers across Australia with 3 month deferrals, merchant fee refunds
20 July 2021

these options do give people you know, a breather, that’s what they’re designed to do, just take the load off for three months, while you get through everything else that you need to get through.”

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Media Releases
Banks supporting customers as lockdowns extended
17 July 2021

“customers can rest assured that their bank will have their back”

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Media Releases
Banks to assist customers in COVID-19 lockdowns
29 June 2021

Banks across Australia are ready and willing to assist customers affected by the COVID-19 lockdowns.

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Media Releases
Banks ready to support residents impacted by Gippsland floods
11 June 2021

“Once conditions ease, it’s important for anyone impacted to know their bank is ready to provide assistance”

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Media Releases
Banks to assist mouse plague affected customers
3 June 2021

“I’m urging anyone who has been affected by the mouse plague to get in touch with their bank and find out about the assistance on offer.”

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Media Releases
Support available for customers affected by NSW floods
21 March 2021

Australian banks are supporting communities in New South Wales after torrential rain and floods in parts of the state.  Floodwaters have inundated towns on the NSW North Coast, Sydney has been pummelled by heavy rain and more is forecast in coming days.  Australian Banking Association CEO Anna Bligh says banks have a range of measures… Read more »

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Customers continue to come off deferrals
11 March 2021

“right at the height of COVID, when things were at their absolute worst, only 10% of Australian mortgage holders deferred the payments on those mortgages. 90% of those people are now back paying in full.”

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Media Releases
Banks to continue Royal Commission reform
12 November 2020

“Banks have already been acting on the findings of Commissioner Hayne and remain fully engaged for this next phase” ABA CEO Anna Bligh

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