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The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

For media inquiries contact [email protected] or 0475 741 007.

Media Releases
Bushfire Royal Commission to improve disaster coordination
30 October 2020

“Banks play a vital role in helping Australians survive and recover from bushfires and other disasters”, said ABA CEO Anna Bligh.

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Media Releases
Increased small business lending boosts Australia’s economic recovery
24 July 2020

“These figures show there are some green shoots emerging in our economy and that’s a positive sign.” – ABA CEO Anna Bligh

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Media Releases
SME Loan Guarantee expanded: a welcome extension
20 July 2020

“This will be welcome news for SMEs and opens up the scheme to those businesses who are looking to invest or need some extra support.”

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Media Releases
Banks welcome creative economy restart
25 June 2020

Businesses in the creative industry who are looking to take advantage of the government-backed concessional loans should get in touch with their bank.

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Media Releases
Electronic transactions and mortgages should be here to stay
18 June 2020

The temporary introduction of COVID-19 related measures such as electronic mortgages, witnessing a document over video call and signing documents electronically should be made permanent to save time, money and hassle for Australian customers.   A coalition of associations including the Australian Banking Association, the Business Council of Australia, the Australian Institute of Company Directors,… Read more »

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Media Releases
Bank CEOs will download COVIDSafe and encourage staff to do same
26 April 2020

“Australia’s banks are right behind efforts to open up the economy in the coming weeks, when healthcare authorities say it’s safe to do so.” – Anna Bligh

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Media Releases
Dedicated hotlines for JobKeeper loans now live
24 April 2020

Australia’s banks have bolstered their efforts to help businesses to bridge the gap until the first Jobkeeper payments in May.

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March 2020 ABA Monthly News
29 February 2020

March 1 marked the official implementation date of a new Banking Code of Practice, when the changes recommended by Commissioner Hayne in his Final Report come into effect.

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Media Releases
Royal Commission changes to Banking Code go live tomorrow
29 February 2020

Changes to the Banking Code of Practice as recommended by the Royal Commission will go live tomorrow.

““These changes to the Code are in addition to a number of actions already taken by banks as a direct result of the Royal Commission”, ABA CEO Anna Bligh.

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Media Releases
Illawarra customers protected by new rule book for banks
28 February 2020

The Australian Banking Association has today partnered with Illawarra Business Chamber to brief the local business community and stakeholders on the new Banking Code of Practice, the new Financing Your Small Business website and to hear firsthand from small businesses affected by the recent bushfires.

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Media Releases
Ian Govey AM to chair Banking Code Compliance Committee
12 February 2020

“The BCCC plays a strategic function in monitoring the effectiveness of the new Banking Code of Practice and shaping good industry practice”

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