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Proposed changes to quarterly ADI statistical publications

3 March 2022

The ABA supports changes to the templates of quarterly ADI statistics due to the associated changes with APRA Reporting Standards 220, 223 and 230. The ABA recommends proactively delaying first publication of the new quarterly ADI statistics beyond the June 14 date to ascertain and correct any possibly data quality issues resulting from the implementation of the new reporting standards.

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Macroprudential and APS 220

25 February 2022

Increasing the macroprudential policy options available to APRA and transparency regarding when and how they may be used, should assist with enhancing the financial stability and resilience of the Australian economy. The ABA is supportive of these measures which offer a useful complement to the resilience provided by Australia’s well capitalised and well managed banks. In developing and implementing market interventions, such as macroprudential policies, it is vitally important that unintended consequences, regulatory burden and competition distortions are minimised. As such, and considering the system wide consequences of macroprudential interventions, the ABA strongly recommends APRA incorporates and imbeds processes to ensure early and close engagement with the banking industry before any macroprudential policies are implemented. Additional recommendations and points for clarification are included in the ABA’s submission to APRA.

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Reporting Standard ARS 720.1

8 September 2021

We request that the new ARS 720.1 come into effect on 1 March 2022 so that both ARF 220.0 and ARF 720.1 will be first prepared on the new standards consistently for the period ended 31 March 2022.

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Bank Capital Reforms: Update

20 August 2021

We support a revised capital framework that strengthens the financial resilience of the industry, embeds unquestionably strong levels of capital and also provides for greater flexibility in periods of stress. We recommend that APRA: • replace the parallel run with targeted quantitative impact surveys (QIS) • delay the implementation of the standardised approach for foundation and advanced internal ratings based (FIRB and AIRB) authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) • reduce the regulatory reporting burden on ADIs for March 2023, and • delay the implementation of new Pillar 3 changes to 2024.

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APRA consultation on zero and negative interest rates

20 August 2021

Given the uncertainties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and the related economic impacts, the ABA understands the importance of ensuring systemic stability and preparedness of members for a range of risks, including a zero or negative cash rate. The ABA considers the timing of the development of solutions by 30 April 2022 may be insufficient given the impact that these solutions would have to ADI core banking systems, processes and potential amendments to product terms and conditions.

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Contingent Liquidity: Proposed Guidance

20 August 2021

The ABA supports maintaining an excess reserve of eligible assets for contingent funding to ensure stability during periods of stress. However, we have concerns regarding the revised requirements as currently proposed by APRA. In particular: 1. It is well-above international standards 2. It is proposed to include offshore operations 3. It is to apply at all times 4. An implementation pathway has not been proposed

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Loans impacted by COVID-19: APRA regulatory support

6 August 2021

The ABA considers that the part and full repayment moratoriums, offered as part of the ABA 2021 national support package, aligns with the regulatory approach provided for in draft Attachment E to assist banks in supporting customers through this period.

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Reporting Standard ARS 220.0 Credit Exposures and Provisions (APRA)

6 July 2021

The ABA and members are supportive of APRA’s move to data collection based on a concept-dimension data model. ABA members broadly support the approach APRA has outlined in their letter of June 8. The collective view of ABA members is that a successful implementation will result from sufficient time being given to develop a full taxonomy, and that this is finalised well in advance of the first submission date so banks can build the infrastructure to support the data model. ABA members have concerns with the overlap of two new reporting requirements (the tactical solution and the incremental collections), the granular level of detail required for the strategic solution (especially for the lower risk portfolios) and the timing by which each reporting needs to be provided.

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Regulator Performance Guide

2 June 2021

The ABA considers that the review of the existing Regulator Performance Guide is timely. It is critical to ensure that regulation of the financial system does not inhibit the ability of financial firms to serve the Australian population or grow the economy. The ABA supports the Government’s proposal to transition towards a more flexible and principles-based approach to regulator performance. We have developed our response with a focus on providing constructive suggestions to improve the potential scope and application of the three principles that are proposed with regard to financial regulation Continuous improvement and building trust Risk-based and data-driven Collaboration and engagement

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APRA’s approach to new entrant ADIs

30 April 2021

The ABA welcomes an updated approach to new entrant ADIs focusing on sustainability. Providing pathways for restricted entry promotes competition through innovation amongst ADIs. The ABA agrees with APRA that an important balance needs to be made between supporting entities to both enter and thrive in the banking sector, while ensuring financial stability and protecting the interests of depositors.

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