AusPayNet application for revocation of authorisation A91497 and A91498 and substitution of AA1000495
6 May 2020
The ABA supports the AusPayNet application for re-authorisation. The ABA considers the Issuers and Acquirers Community (IAC) framework provides opportunities for coordination, self-regulation and policy setting which delivers important public benefits.
Download PDFCompetition in the Australian Financial System
29 March 2018
Australian banks will continue to support evidence-based regulatory change that encourages competition and innovation while ensuring stability through the economic cycle. ABA members support many of the draft recommendations in the Productivity Commission’s draft report into Competition in the Australian Financial System.
Download PDFAustralian Bankers’ Association submission on authorising new entrants to the banking industry
4 December 2017
The ABA has commented on APRA’s Discussion Paper, Licensing: A phased approach to authorising new entrants to the banking industry.
Download PDFThe Australian Bankers’ Association submission on improving the credit card market
23 August 2017
The ABA provided comments to Treasury on its consultation paper, Credit Cards: Improving consumer outcomes and enhancing competition.
Download PDFThe Australian Bankers’ Association submission on removing restrictions on the use of the term ‘bank’
14 August 2017
The ABA provided comments on Treasury’s consultation on reducing barriers to new entrants to the banking sector.
Download PDFThe Australian Bankers’ Association submission on Reforms for cooperatives, mutuals and member-owned firms
19 June 2017
The ABA provided Treasury with comments on the reforms for cooperatives, mutuals and member-owned firms. The ABA is a strong supporter of the recommendations arising from the 2015 Senate Economics References Committee inquiry into cooperatives, mutuals and member-owned firms. Of particular interest to the ABA are recommendations 16 (Capital Raising) and 17 (Amendments to the Corporations Act).
Download PDFThe Australian Bankers’ Association submission on Data Availability and Use; Productivity Commission Draft Report: Overview & Draft Recommendations
16 December 2016
The ABA provided the Productivity Commission with its comments on Data Availability and Use.
Download PDFThe Australian Bankers’ Association submission on Data Availability and Use
29 July 2016
The ABA provided comments to the Productivity Commission's Issues Paper on Data Availability and Use. The Issues Paper outlined that a significant public benefit could arise if data collected and stored by government, public bodies and private sector institutions were made more accessible to individuals, third parties and to the general public. The ABA agrees.
Download PDFThe Australian Bankers’ Association submission on CP260: Further measures to facilitate innovation in financial services
22 July 2016
The ABA provided comments to ASIC on Consultation Paper 260: Further measures to facilitate innovation in financial services.
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