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Independent Review of Australia’s Credit Reporting Framework

7 June 2024

The ABA continues to support Australia’s credit reporting framework, which has benefits for both consumers seeking to build creditworthiness and providers of credit information in supporting a more comprehensive assessment of credit applications. The ABA makes 16 recommendations to the Review to improve the effectiveness of the Framework and support its expansion to all Buy... Read more »

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2021 Credit Reporting Code consultation

11 August 2021

The ABA provides the following recommendations and observations: 1. Promises to pay vs. financial hardship arrangements: We are concerned that ARCA’s proposal to define financial hardship arrangements (FHAs) is overly prescriptive and conflicts with elements of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (NCCP). 2. Backdating the start of a financial hardship arrangement: The ABA does not support the approach allowing backdating of a financial hardship arrangement. 3. Payment test & catch-up periods: The ABA is supportive of the proposal for a payment test period or catch-up period to be treated as a financial hardship arrangement where the arrangement immediately follows, and is in response to, an earlier financial hardship arrangement. 4. Treatment of joint accounts where abuse is present: We are supportive of the interim proposal that ARCA has proposed to take extra care of customers experiencing family and domestic violence (FDV).

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